Xsights selected as Finalist for WA Innovator of the Year 2022.
Xsights is excited to have been selected as a finalist in this year’s WA Innovator of the Year program, in two categories – the Rio Tinto ‘ Emerging Category’ Award and the Business News ‘Great for the State’ Award.
First launched in 2006, the WA IOTY awards showcase the State’s brightest innovators and entrepreneurs, helping them realise the full potential of their innovative creation.
The WA IOTY awards are funded through the State Government’s $16.7 million New Industries Fund, which supports new and emerging businesses to diversify the WA economy and create new jobs.
Xsights has been selected for its innovative Xsights IoT (XIoT) tag which has been developed to enable remote and automated monitoring of livestock health and welfare. Utilising the learnings of three pieces of existing technology within a wafer thin IoT inlay, the XIoT tag will sit between the animals’ ear and standard ear tag for location data collection.
Further development includes utilising Machine Learning and the Xsights Asset Tracking (XATS) platform, to automatically collect and process real time location data at scale, for monitoring, reporting and triggering actions.
Livestock farming applications with XIoT tags include:
- Health, biosecurity and welfare monitoring,
- Mortality and endemic disease management with early detection,
- Product provenance / ‘paddock to plate’ supply chain traceability,
- Cold chain supply management,
- Feed log and management,
- Watering log and management,
- Reducing animal attack costs with triggers and alerts,
- Automated and streamlined administration processes for operations on farms,
- Operating efficiencies with triggers, alerts, live dashboards and custom reports,
- Credit risk management,
- Deterring stock theft,
- Improved breeding efficiency,
- Pasture management, and
- Carbon management.
For further information on XIoT Tags or to discuss any other projects or initiatives of interest within the product provenance, Sensing-as-a-Service, IoT, agricultural and mining technologies, asset tracking, and audience measurement spaces, please Contact – Xsights
You Can Only Manage What You Measure!
Further reading
Media statements – Finalists for 2022 WA Innovator of the Year awards