The Xsights Mission is ‘To empower decision making through affordable data collection and insight reporting”.
Since incorporation, Xsights has developed scalable ‘plug and play’ solutions that collect valuable real-time location data on assets using Internet of Things (loT) devices, offered as a SaaS (‘Sensing as a Service’) subscription.
Xsights is committed to raising awareness for our award winning Xsights IoT Tag (XIoT), for the global agricultural industry, as a scalable solution, for Provenance & Traceability of Agrifood, and Health & Wellbeing Monitoring of Livestock.
Xsights is also committed to ensuring we continue to establish new partnerships and collaborations, expand our customer base, and secure new funding opportunities to build new markets within the Agri-tech community for the XIoT Tag solution.
You Can Only Manage What you Measure
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